Global warming is one of the biggest threats to our planet and every thing lives on it. This essay will explain some problems caused by Global warming and then suggest some solutions.
Every one knows that the temperature of our planet is increasing because the different human activities and pollution. All that may cause many problems. The most to conceder is the increase of seawater level. Most of the coastal cities will be in danger and some countries may completely disappear. Al that because the increasing in temperature is going to melt the ice in the South and North Pole. Another problem is climate changing. Temperature changing will affect the climate in many ways. There will be more storms, floods and unusual rain seasons and some places is going to suffer from dryness.
Humans can do a lot to decreasing Global warming effect and save the planet. One way is by reduce using oil which produce a lot of carbon dioxide one of the green house gases and the main reason of global warming and depend more on the renewable energy like solar and wind energy. Another solution is to use less energy or electricity. By using less electricity, less oil and recourses are going to used and less carbon dioxide is produced.
In conclusion, Global warming can affect our earth seriously and changing the way we live. We have to take care of our earth, because we just have only one earth and there are no other places to go.
The Astronomical Jet Engine
All Gore received The Pulitzer Prize for talking about our global warming problem.
What prize will be given to that person who will do something about our global warming problem?
My Astronomical Jet Engine has zero pollution, very quiet and is based on the same electronic principles that are in use today.
With the help of my Atom Exhilarator I have been able to reorganize the above electronic technical principles. This has given me the opportunity to reach an advanced technical performance that is unknown to man today.
My Astronomical Jet Engine will propel all the atoms in the jet engine compartment at the speed of up to 300 feet per second. That same Astronomical Jet Engine will also propel my high speed American Hydrogen Shuttle Express. By now you will say,” That is impossible”.
That is exactly what Christopher Columbus would say to you when, you were standing on the deck of his ship Santa Maria watching Columbus navigate by the stars. You would inform Columbus, “ in 477 years from now we will land a ship on the moon that you see up there”
Again, Columbus would say, “that is impossible.”
My good friend Bjarne Heggset of Heggset Engineering based in Kristiansund Norway did not say, “ that is impossible” when I informed him that my non stop monorail train ( commonly called on Google ) The American Hydrogen Shuttle Express. This high speed train can load and unload up to 500 passengers with their luggage in less than two minutes when slowing down to 35 miles per hour, and then return to its normal safe speed of 200 miles per hour. Bjarne examined my illustrated drawings for over two hours.
He then informed me. “This will certainly give our air lines some competition “. He also seed,
“Frank, you may fine some problem promoting your train, your mechanical technology is 100
years ahead of our time “.
The inventor; Frank Illguth frank.illguth@shaw.ca
Winter storms or any impossible whether conditions that will normally ground all air traffic will not for the most part slow down The American Hydrogen Shuttle Express. What does this mean to you, the traveling public? You will be able to travel from New York City to San Francisco in 15 hours with 15 shuttles and for the first time in our history. The American Hydrogen Shuttle Express will be able to span the North Pacific Ocean. Traveling from Anchorage Alaska to Harbin China in 16 hours with 16 shuttles when crossing The Bering Strait. The American Hydrogen Shuttle Express mechanical technology makes it impossible to have a derailment or an accidental mishap when loading and unloading up to 500 + passengers with their luggage, and is a product of 33 years of documented research and development that is now ready to be built.
The American Shuttle Express will recover the capital cost with interest within 9 years. This American Hydrogen Shuttle Express mass transportation mechanical technology will be one of the greatest work projects through out the world creating millions of meaningful jobs. When building the high speed rail, shuttle stations, preventive maintenance stations and a big boost to the industrialized world economy. Building the latest Shuttle Express mass transportation system known to man today.
Is it possible that I Frank Illguth, is the only person on our planet that is willing to express our concerned affection, and compassion that we have for our only planet. I am 79 years old and in perfect health. I do hope that some one out there on our planet with my free support and technical help will have our American Hydrogen Shuttle Express up and running in my life time.
The inventor; Frank Illguth frank.illguth@shaw.ca
Winter storms or any impossible whether conditions that will normally ground all air traffic will not for the most part slow down The American Hydrogen Shuttle Express. What does this mean to you, the traveling public? You will be able to travel from New York City to San Francisco in 15 hours with 15 shuttles and for the first time in our history. The American Hydrogen Shuttle Express will be able to span the North Pacific Ocean. Traveling from Anchorage Alaska to Harbin China in 16 hours with 16 shuttles when crossing The Bering Strait. The American Hydrogen Shuttle Express mechanical technology makes it impossible to have a derailment or an accidental mishap when loading and unloading up to 500 + passengers with their luggage, and is a product of 33 years of documented research and development that is now ready to be built.
The American Shuttle Express will recover the capital cost with interest within 9 years. This American Hydrogen Shuttle Express mass transportation mechanical technology will be one of the greatest work projects through out the world creating millions of meaningful jobs. When building the high speed rail, shuttle stations, preventive maintenance stations and a big boost to the industrialized world economy. Building the latest Shuttle Express mass transportation system known to man today.
Is it possible that I Frank Illguth, is the only person on our planet that is willing to express our concerned affection, and compassion that we have for our only planet. I am 79 years old and in perfect health. I do hope that some one out there on our planet with my free support and technical help will have our American Hydrogen Shuttle Express up and running in my life time.
The inventor; Frank Illguth frank.illguth@shaw.ca
According to the David Suzuki Foundation of Vancouver Canada we read that ”Aviation growth is a risk to our planet. The rise in demand for air travel is one of the most serious
Environmental global warming threats facing our world today.”
Reducing our overland air travel is a great step in the right direction. There is one major way that we can accomplish this very important objective .We must be able to give you, our today’s air traveling public, something better.
The American Hydrogen Shuttle Express with the latest advanced American mass transportation technology will give you, the traveling public, something better.
Pat2's party ice solution to rising sea water levels. We take water, we then freeze it and then stack it. We stack it in areas around the world that are below zero so it doesn't melt. Might as well stack it into ice cities baby!
I am working with a remote community in Togo. They are extremely poor and uneducated just growing enough food to live. We are working on all these issues but what can they do to prepare themselves for the effects of climate change
I am working with a remote community in Togo. They are basically uneducated and just grow enough crops to eat. What can they do to be ready for the ff3cts of climate change
wow it is very important problem at this age
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